A tour through the landscapes and vineyards of Sagrantino, where fatigue gives way to wonder and astonishment
A tour through countryside and vineyards, with gentle plains and rugged climbs
A satisfyingly tiring biking trip from the Abbey of Montecorona in the woods, in contemplation of beauty and spirituality
Steep cross country uphill cycling on Perugia’s closest mountain, Monte Malbe, with a cross country trail
Mountain bike in Umbria. Get ready to pedal hard and keep your eyes on the peaks, without ever lowering the head
From the magnificent village of Giano along the Martani mountain range on wild, unexplored paths
Spectacular landscapes only for the best cycle-trained legs
A teeth-clenching ride in search of the most characteristic and spiritual of landscapes
Come and discover Montefalco, biking off the beaten track
Get ready for a challenge, among untamed greenery and remote ancient villages
Discover the true craftsmanship of Perugia
In the centre of a picturesque village in Umbria, a small craft pottery workshop opens its doors to reveal the secrets of the ancient potter’s wheel production process.
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