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Guided tour of Spoleto
Discovering one of the most important Duchies in Italy, and retrace the centres of old Longobard power
Why not choose to see Spoleto with its hugely important historical and artistic heritage? During your guided tour of the city, accompanied by the interesting explanations provided by our expert guides, you’ll get to see, first of all, the Roman Theatre, attesting to the great power and prestige of the Roman civilisation and taking you back in time to the 1st century BC. Walking through the medieval lanes you will be able to admire many other characteristic places in Spoleto as well as numerous awe-inspiring panoramas. At the end of a wide stairway, stands the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, with its characteristic bell tower, one of the major symbols of Spoleto. Inside the church there are numerous unmissable masterpieces including works by great artists such as Pinturicchio and Filippo Lippi.
In the oldest part of the city you can stroll through Piazza del Mercato, an ancient Roman forum, and imagine the liveliness of city life in the past; here we’ll also see the lovely monumental fountain that adorns the square and is much loved by both inhabitants and tourists. Via Filippo Brignone also has its own fountain, Fontana del Mascherone, which you will find interesting as well disturbing in some respects. Walking along the nearby Via del Ponte, you will be able to admire a splendid panorama, rich in vegetation and then reach Ponte delle Torri, a monumental and imposing building that will leave you awestruck; its gigantic arches almost seem to be suspended in the void and connect Monteluco with the Colle Sant’Elia, where the fascinating Rocca Albornoziana is located.
Continuing with the itinerary planned for the full-day tour, we will visit the inside of Rocca Albornoziana. It also houses the Museo Nazionale del Ducato di Spoleto, which displays numerous works of art and artefacts related to the Duchy of Longobard origin. Another symbol of the city is the complex of the Museo Diocesano together with the Basilica di Sant’Eufemia, both included in the complex of the Palazzo Arcivescovile di Spoleto. Inside the museum you will find numerous works arranged in a chronological and thematic order and created by artists such as Filippino Lippi, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Domenico Beccafumi, Cavalier d’Arpino, Sebastiano Conca and Alessandro Algardi. From the Museum you will be able to access the small Basilica di Sant’Eufemia with its very sober Romanesque style, built of stone. Another important archaeological site in Spoleto is the Casa Romana, a typically aristocratic house dating back to the 1st century AD, which has some beautiful intact mosaics on the floors and a fresco on a wall.