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Wine tasting with lunch in Umbria

A luxurious wine tasting set in beautiful Orvieto, accompanied with a lunch based on the best typical products from Umbria.

55€ Per person
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Wine tasting in Umbria: vineyards and Roman ruins

Wine tasting in Umbria: horses and carriages, amongst the vineyards and exploring ancient Roman remains. With tasting!

80€ 80€ Per person
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Wine tasting in Orvieto

A rich wine tasting in Orvieto accompanied by a selection of typical local products.

45€ Per person
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Wellness treatment in Umbria with wine

A wellness treatment with wine in Umbria in the name of relaxation, perfect for couples!

125€ Per person
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Umbria and its organic wines: a small tasting

A tasting of some of the most representative organic wines in Umbria

25€ Per person
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Food and wine tour to discover Trasimeno wines

The food and wine tour discovering the wines of the Lake Trasimeno hills.

105€ Per person
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Food and wine tour of Montefalco wineries

A food and wine tour in the most renowned wineries of Montefalco.

115€ Per person
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A carriage ride in the vineyards

A fantastic tour through the vineyards on a horse-drawn carriage, with a final tasting

70€ Per person
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Wine in Umbria

Italy manages to combine one of the most complete and varied forms of cuisine, based on the Mediterranean diet, with hundreds of native vines representing all the nuances in our national territory. It has the largest variety of vines of any country in the world, attesting to the great pedoclimatic influence agriculture has in this specific sector.

And Umbria is no exception. Its supreme suitability as a quality wine growing region makes it a real treasure trove on the Italian wine scene. Autochthonous varietals such as the white Grechetto di Todi and Trebbiano Spoletino and the red Sagrantino di Montefalco manage to yield extraordinary premium products, thanks to almost unique territorial features at a national level. The fairly mild winters and the hot, dry summers, combined with remarkable day-to-night-time temperature changes and the fundamental contribution made by the clayey-calcareous soils, confer on our region’s wines the body and structure necessary to compete with the great wines of Northern and Central Italy, especially with regard to red varietals.

The earliest historical evidence of the cultivation of the vine in Umbria is linked to the Etruscan civilization which, as shown by various archaeological finds, dedicated much attention to this branch of agriculture, due, above all, to its use of wine during religious rites. Interest in wine growing in the area continued even with the arrival of the Romans, who, as the writer and man of letters Pliny the Elder reminds us – citing the continued presence in Rome of the “tudernis” vine (from Todi) – represented one of the most renowned areas for the era’s wine production for many years. In the Middle Ages, techniques of cultivation and production were also handed down by Cistercian monks and followers of St Benedict of Norcia. A further revival in Umbrian winemaking took place in the 16th century, when Sante Lancerio, the bottler of Pope Paul III Farnese, seeing the latter’s love for the ‘sucano’ wine produced in the territory of Orvieto, brought large quantities of it to Rome. The Orvieto area remained the benchmark in Umbrian winemaking for many years until the advent of the phylloxera epidemic in the 19th century.

Current wine production extends over some 13,000 hectares, almost exclusively on hilly land and is equally divided between red and white grapes, above all Sangiovese and Grechetto; in recent years there has also been a rediscovery of Trebbiano Spoletino, a vine that had fallen out of favour despite being considered the classic table wine for many years. Thanks to the commitment of a number of producers, it is now clearly being reappraised and appreciated, given the recent excellent sales.

Growth in exports in recent years, especially to the North European and American markets, illustrates the willingness of Umbrian producers to seek out as yet unexplored new markets, given the large difference in production quantities compared to the great and historic Italian wine-growing regions such as Tuscany, Piedmont or Veneto. The experiment has so far been successful considering the over € 34 million worth of business exported by our region in 2018, an increase of 0.9% compared to the previous year. Moreover, some specialist magazines in the sector, notably Wine Enthusiast, are vocal in their praise for our small-scale production, even going as far as to name it – uniquely amongst Italian regions – as one of the world’s “Top Wine Getaways”, on a par with legendary wine-growing areas like Sonoma County in California or ​​Mendoza in Argentina.

Umbrian wine production is mainly concentrated in three areas:

  • The Montefalco area, cradle of the most robust tannins in Italy: Sagrantino di Montefalco which, together with the Passito (sweet, raisin wine) version, received DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin) recognition in 1992;
  • The ​​Torgiano area, with its rolling hills and flanked by the Tiber river, produces fine whites and was the second to receive DOCG recognition in our region: Torgiano Rosso Riserva;
  • The historic ​​Orvieto area, with its very special microclimate influenced by Lake Corbara, has been producing wines since the Roman era and was awarded a very important DOC.

These three geographical appellations represent more than 70% of Umbrian wine production, but there are other wine-growing areas that deserve to be explored and sampled, areas that are ramping up the quality of their products and offering wine lovers a high-quality tasting experience.

Tutti i vini umbri

Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG

A true star in the already crowded constellation of top Italian wines. Produced within the municipality of Montefalco and part of the municipalities of Bevagna, Castel Ritaldi, Giano dell’Umbria and Gualdo Cattaneo, Sagrantino di Montefalco is a very intense, full-bodied and highly structured wine that is suitable for prolonged ageing and best appreciated after some 15-20 years, with almost extreme tannins. The production regulations specify exclusive use of the Sagrantino varietal and ageing of at least 37 months, with a minimum of 12 months in oak barrels. It exhibits an intense ruby ​​red colour with aromas of spices, red fruit, leather and coffee on the nose. Food pairings range from braised meat to classic local cold cuts and matured cheeses, as well as game and pasta with Norcia truffle. The sweet (Passito) version, on the other hand, can be combined with chocolate and biscuit-like pastries, although some devotees suggest pairing it – especially during the Easter period – with a juicy leg of roast lamb.

Given its uniqueness and complexity, Sagrantino di Montefalco was underrated commercially for years due to the softer tastes required by the market. Since the beginning of the 1990s, however, thanks to the considerable efforts of a number of producers, a large-scale re-appraisal and promotion of Sagrantino has taken it to the highest echelons of Italian oenology. Most producers have joined together since 1981 in a consortium association, the “Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco”, with the aim of ensuring the continuous quest for quality and promoting not only this wine but also the region’s other products.

Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG

Another Umbrian star, Torgiano Rosso Riserva, hails from the rolling hills of Torgiano south of Perugia. This wine expresses the highest potential of Sangiovese and Canaiolo in our region; this is a wine that has competed for years with the legendary names in Italian oenology. Equipped with great elegance and structure, it can evolve for many years, thus having great ageing potential and preserving the primary aromatic characteristics after bottling intact. Recommended pairings, given the great complexity of the wine, include furred and feathered game, but it can also be paired perfectly with pasta with truffles and or wild boar sauce.

The producers in this area, albeit numerically inferior, are also united in a consortium association, namely the “Consorzio Tutela Vini Torgiano”. Very active in the field of wine tourism, it organizes promotional events including the outstanding ‘Calici di Stelle’ held on August 14th each year, which offers participants the opportunity to taste all the area’s wines.

Amelia DOC

This DOC, which includes almost the entire Province of Terni, is a relatively young area from an oenological point of view, but it is already expressing enormous qualitative potential, with Ciliegiolo di Narni being particularly outstanding. Although a recognized varietal since the 14th century, it was mostly used as a blending grape, whereas in the last three decades it has found fertile ground in the hilly areas adjacent to the Terni basin and now represents a coveted product for various local producers.

Assisi DOC

This is one of the youngest DOC appellations in terms of recognition, which occurred in 1997. The wines, mostly produced between the municipalities of Assisi and Spello, are favourably influenced by the hillside exposure of the vineyards on the slopes of Mount Subasio. Winters, in fact, are not humid and cold as in the plains, which makes this area much more suited to wine production. Among the most commonly used blends we find Grechetto which, just outside of Assisi, offers numerous hints of unexpressed potential, especially as regards pairings with dishes that go beyond the traditional pairings typical of our region.

Colli Altotiberini DOC

Established in 1980 and modified in 2005, this DOC is in the northern part of Umbria and features Trebbiano as the most common grape variety, yielding wines that are not highly structured and are, therefore, easy-drinking in style. Production is focused for the most part in the hills around Città di Castello and Montone where we can find interesting flavours and aromas in international varietals such as Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, which yield fresh wines with quite a robust body.

Colli del Trasimeno DOC

This appellation, which comprises all of Lake Trasimeno’s municipalities, expresses all the historicity of Umbrian wine production, as it was the Etruscans, having settled on the shores of the lake, who began to cultivate the vine. The rather varied production area achieves peaks of excellence amongst its reds wines, which undoubtedly benefit from the influence of Tuscany. In recent decades, many newly-founded wineries focus their production on the classic vines of the territory, above all Gamay del Trasimeno, a grape that belongs to the French grenache branch from which Sardinian Cannonau also derives. It can express great potential and yields wines with intense and very elegant aromas.

Again, there is a very active association of producers called the “Consorzio Tutela Vini Trasimeno” which very effectively promotes the activities of the associated wineries via numerous public events including, in particular, ‘Corciano Castello di Vino’.

Colli Martani DOC

The Colli Martani are hilly areas located in the centre of our region. Lovers of white wines are amply rewarded here as Grechetto achieves peaks of excellence, yielding wines of medium complexity that can, in some cases, be paired with grilled meats and dishes with considerable structure.

Colli Perugini DOC

This historic area comprises land in the municipalities of Perugia, Deruta, Marsciano, Monte Castello di Vibio, Fratta Todina and Piegaro. Some of its surviving native vines such as Mostiola, Tintarolo, Pecorina and Lupeccio are still very important today. Production focuses almost exclusively on Trebbiano for white wines and on Sangiovese for red wines. Fresh, ready-to-drink wines are produced, pairing perfectly with traditional Umbrian dishes.

Lago di Corbara DOC

Lake Corbara offers a breath-taking panoramic view of the vineyard-laden rolling hills descending towards the shores. Its wineries, also united in the “Consorzio Tutela Vini Lago di Corbara”, are able to produce wines in absolutely favourable pedoclimatic conditions and their quality is recognized internationally. Exhibiting marked minerality thanks to the influence of the soil, they harness the alternation between the greater humidity provided by the lake and the breezy air currents. Precisely because of the very special climatic conditions here, it is important to mention the Late Harvests: the sweet (passito) wines composed essentially of Grechetto and Procanico are made with bunches of grapes whose every berry has been attacked by the noble rot called ‘Botrytis cinerea’ and which, after fermentation, yields an almost unique product, endowed with extraordinary elegance.

Montefalco DOC

As previously mentioned, this area is highly suited to the cultivation of red grapes, not only of Sagrantino but also of Sangiovese which, ‘blended’ with other grapes, expresses many of its potential qualities here. Examples include Montefalco Rosso DOC and Montefalco Rosso Riserva DOC, great wines that express the tannins that are so typical of these lands sometimes combined with softer and more elegant grapes, including international varietals. It is also worth mentioning Montefalco Bianco DOC, one of the least-known types in Italy, which has become a true flagship product amongst some producers in the Montefalco area.

Orvieto DOC

This appellation corresponds with the territory of Orvieto as well as some adjacent municipalities and partly encroaches on the Province of Viterbo. This part of Umbria has cultivated vast expanses of vineyards since ancient times, sometimes matching quantities achieved in other more well-known areas. Wineries and agricultural companies in Orvieto, especially the oldest, still offer visitors the chance to see the underground cellars and tunnels dug into the volcanic rock, a truly unique sight! Orvieto Classico DOC is well worth mentioning: a dry all-round white wine made mostly from Trebbiano Toscano grapes, it makes an ideal pairing with fish dishes and lightly-matured cheeses. It is also a perfect stand-alone wine to be enjoyed at length without food.

Rosso Orvietano DOC

The municipal area of Orvieto also offers a very interesting DOC, Orvietano Rosso, which can also be produced with international grape varieties, giving it the potential for great finesse and an unusually robust structure.

Spoleto DOC

This young area, awarded DOC recognition as recently as 2011, includes the entire municipality of Spoleto and is composed primarily of flatlands with a ban on production above 400 metres a.s.l. Considerable influence is exerted by the type of land, which was once marshy, close to the current Fonti del Clitunno (Clitunno Springs). Particular attention is paid to the production of white wines. In recent years, in fact, the Trebbiano Spoletino grape has reappeared on the scene thanks to the rediscovery and commitment of a number of local producers. The varietal proffers various fragrances and elevated acidity and is also excellent in the ‘Superiore’ version.

Todi DOC

The mainly hilly area includes the entire municipalities of Todi, Massa Martana, Monte Castello di Vibio and Collazzone. The native Umbrian vine par excellence, Grechetto di Todi, is cultivated in this appellation to qualitative levels without equal elsewhere. Known since Roman times, and even cited by Pliny the Elder, this vine represents the greatest expression of the Todi wine growing territory. With a very broad bouquet and excellent structure on the palate, this wine goes perfectly with first course fish dishes or herb omelettes.

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