Palazzo Valenti is probably the most beautiful noble residence in all of Trevi. Owned by the Counts Valenti di Riosecco, one of the many branches into which the Trevi family tree splits off, the Palazzo dates to the Renaissance period. The building is not open to the public but you can still admire the exterior, with its magnificent arched portal with architraves with the heads of men in the segments, and the windows with the family crests.
Inside, you can only visit the entrance hall, where you will see a large cistern for rainwater. Before the aqueduct was constructed in 1928, access to a reliable water supply was a serious problem for Trevi: the citizens could only have public cisterns, now located under the city streets, while the wealthier families, like the Valenti, equipped the own residences with private cisterns, such as the one in the entrance of this building.