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Chiesa di Santa Maria di Mausoleo

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The church of Santa Maria del Mausoleo is located along the road that leads from Spello to Cannara, about 1km from the city; currently closed, it is only opened for occasional celebrations. The structure of the church incorporates the remains of a Roman sepulchral monument, discovered in 1300 as documented by Fausto Gentile Donnola, who wrote that it must originally have been shaped like a tower; the mausoleum was erected as the tomb of a consul of what was the Splendidissima Colonia Julia of Spello and traces of it remain in the rear part of the church.

The church itself dates back to the 15th century and a variety of legends circulate around its foundation. Given the position of the mausoleum on a crossroads, the Christians nearby had a Madonna and Child painted in the main niche. At the time, the mausoleum was used as a retreat for refreshment and shelter from the weather for the men who were guarding the vineyards, and they often played games there; it is said that one of them, angry at losing, threw an object at the image of the Madonna, deeming her guilty of his misfortune: the face of the Virgin bled and the guardians all died in poverty.

The place soon became a pilgrimage site and a miracle took place there in 1592 when a poor boy asked the image of the Madonna for bread and obtained some. Thus in 1595 the church was built thanks to the alms collected, amounting to some 3,000 scudi, an incredible figure for those times.

The importance of the church grew and a house for chaplains was also built; in the 20th century, however, following the construction of the church in the hamlet of Limiti, Santa Maria di Mausoleo was forgotten and the adjacent small house was demolished.

The church is built of brick and stone, divided by pilasters on the facade; it has a gabled roof and a bell gable. The interior, with a rectangular plan, has a nave with six chapels on the long sides: the first on the right is dedicated to San Giorgio and remains of stucco decorations can still be seen. Behind the high altar, remains of a Roman floor emerge and, in a niche, the image of the Madonna to which the church is dedicated. A canvas depicting the Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints, dating from the 16th century and originally from the church, is now kept in the parish church of Santa Croce in Limiti.

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