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Chiesa di S. Francesco

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If you are exploring Città della Pieve, you can’t miss the Church of S. Francesco, which stands at the beginning of the ancient Via Pievaiola, just outside Porta Perugina.

The church is currently also called Santuario della Madonna di Fatima because of a venerated statue of her inside. Since 1996 the sanctuary has also been dedicated to the three youngsters who reported the apparitions.

The church was built around the 13th century by don Luigi Perriccioli in the Romanesque style, although it was almost entirely rebuilt around the end of the 18th century, presumably in 1766, by the esteemed architect Andrea Vici. The lower part of the facade, the only existing part of the original building, is in brick and has three large arches with an entrance in the centre. Travertine capitals with leaf decorations are visible and serve as bases for the arched louvers. The bell tower was erected during the rebuilding of the church.

The church’s interior is bright and elegant and in stark contrast to the external facade as regards colours and style. Among the works of art in the sanctuary are “La Vergine in Trono circondata dai Santi Francesco, Bartolomeo, Antonio, Stefano”, by Domenico Alfani, which is on the first altar to the right, and two works by Antonio Circignani (a.k.a. Pomarancio): “La Discesa dello Spirito Santo”, on the first altar to the left, and the Caravaggio-inspired painting “Ecce Homo”, visible above the door of the Sacristy.

Next to the church, you’ll see the Convento dei Francescani Conventuali and the Oratorio benedettino di S. Bartolomeo.

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