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Palazzo dei Consoli

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Palazzo dei Consoli (the Palace of Consuls) is one of the many monuments that look over Piazza Silvestri, in the Old Town. This structure has an important political value, since it represented the power of the State in the square, in juxtaposition (but at the same time in balance) with the power of the Church symbolised by the churches of S. Silvestro, S. Michele Arcangelo and S. Domenico e Giacomo.

The palace was built in 1270 and its Gothic design is probably ascribable to Master Prode, who is also believed to be the architect of the city hall of Spello. Made of travertine and sandstone, the building is embellished by Gothic double lancet windows.

An ample staircase leads to the upper floor, which develops on an elegant loggia with cross vaults. A large coat of arms, placed on what is believed to be the ancient entrance to the palace, shows the heritage of the Trinci family and its Signoria, which ruled over Bevagna from 1371 to 1439.

The building was connected to the adjacent church of S. Silvestro in 1560, when an ample vault was built to allow the consuls to access the church directly in order to attend religious services.

Since 1886, Palazzo dei Consoli has been home to the small but incredibly beautiful Francesco Torti Theatre.  The theatre features frescoes by Bruschi and Piervittori.

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