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What to do in Montefalco

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Discover what to do in Montefalco.

In Montefalco you can relax and enjoy the wonderful views from up in the town, perhaps while sipping a glass of Sagrantino in front of a nice chianina steak with truffle aromas. Then why not take a leisurely stroll in peace through the streets of the town, where you will soon forget the present and step into, and savour, the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Don’t forget to visit the craftsmen’s workshops and the Museo Civico di San Francesco, with the ancient church frescoed by Benozzo Gozzoli.

In addition to moments of luscious relaxation, Exploring Umbria can offer you many and varied opportunities for recreation, such as excursions to discover the hidden parts of the area’s natural paradises, even exploring the landscapes on horseback if you choose. Thanks to Exploring Umbria, you can even try your hand at archery.

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